Welcome to the Community Resource Calendar

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This calendar is designed to help distribute information to the general public on free community events connected to violence prevention, trauma reduction, public safety, and criminal justice reform. You may find events such as community job fairs, expungement clinics, mental health services, safety workshops, health and wellness resources fairs, etc. Events not sponsored by LADA are posted for community awareness only and do not constitute an endorsement by LADA.

If your organization would like to add a community event that focuses on one of the above categories, please email the flyer at least two weeks in advance to CommunityResources@da.lacounty.gov for consideration. All requests will be reviewed and added to the calendar at the discretion of the LADA office.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

All day
Peer to Peer Support Group
Event Date: 
Tuesday, August 20, 2024
Event Type: 
Virtual Webinar

Providers Peer to Peer Virtual Meeting

Self Care Matters — Topic Varies Per Month 

  • Grab your Lunch and don't forget the Napkins & Treats
  • Login to Zoom (please be on time for start time is noon)
  • Bring something that is challenging you and something positive that you can share.
  • Be prepared to also share what is the value of peer support?

Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/88325447535
(please do not share link especially do not share on social media)

Meeting ID: 883 2544 7535
Dial by your location: +1 669 900 6833 US
(same sign in for all peer-to-peer support group for service providers)
